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Writing Showcase

This page is an analysis of the process for creating an analysis essay that answers the course question, which is "how do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles?". It's also a reflection of my progress toward the course objectives.

Writing Showcase: 文字

Planning and Exploratory Writing

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Course Objectives:

  1. "Develop habits for engaged reading"

  2. "Feel more confident of your reading accuracy"

This assignment is about reading and annotating an article discussing Disney and its impact on our socially constructed value of gender roles and beauty, and it's one segment of this annotation assignment. It connects to these two course objectives since it's a reading and annotating assignment which improves my reading skill. By doing this assignment, I learned how to make annotation more effectively and read more engagedly. 


Exploratory Writing

Course Objectives:

  1. "Apply these reading skills to various kinds of texts"

This assignment is about annotating the film Beauty and the Beast. The part highlighted is about annotating what Belle does in the film that shows gender role of females. It connects to the course objective because it's a film, and by doing this exploratory writing assignment I learned how to annotate a film effectively. 

Writing Showcase: 產品

Pear Review

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Best Advice I Gave

I believe this is the best advice I gave because I include some really specific revision advice. The place I highlighted in the second paragraph by green is where I recommend him/her to add the course question. It helps me to achieve the course objective of that"improve your peer review skills through practice."

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Best Advice I Received

I believe this is the best pear review I received since it's really specific and effective. The place he highlighted by red is where he recommend me to add the course question, which is really specific and effective. It helps me to "understand the importance of peer review to your own reading and writing," which is a course objective.

Writing Showcase: 產品



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Review 1

This one is about revising my introductory paragraphs. I'm going to revise this part of my essay by adding more effective transitions between each film. This assignment helps me to "understand the importance of self review." It is important because it can help me to make my writing better and improve my writing skill.

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Review 2

This one is about revising some vague or unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences I employed in my essay. I will revise the last 3 problems I proposed. This assignment helps me to "understand the importance of self review." It is important because it can help me to make my writing better and improve my writing skill.

Writing Showcase: 產品



Revision 1

The upper part is the thesis statement before revision, and the lower part is the thesis statement after revision. I revised the language because I want it to be more effective. I also delete the part of "and considered falling in love with a man as their final duty." since I don't get enough space to talk about it in my essay.


Revision 2

My second revision is deleting the sentence highlighted in the left part of the photo. The left part is before revision and the right part is after revision. It's my first body paragraph in which I talked about the passive characteristic of Snow White.

Writing Showcase: 產品
Writing Showcase: 文字
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